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The London Wolves Walk 2024 - Historic Wimbledon
Pictures thanks to Mark Feehan @20MarkF

Geoff Castro’s invite:
Anyone for tennis? Yes, this year Wimbledon has been chosen to host the annual wanderings of the London Wolves Supporters Club! Even though the walk takes place just two days before the official opening of the 2024 lawn tennis Championships, the visit of London Wolves is really the event that the lucky tennis loving people of Wimbledon have been patiently waiting for! Is that “fifteen love” to the Wolves? As usual, the walk will visit a number of local landmarks and buildings of interest (some haunted) and there will be plenty of opportunity to sample a beer, a Pimms, some Robinson's Barley Water or even some strawberries and cream in a range of local taverns along the way. Indeed, there might be the chance to meditate for a while in the first Buddhist Temple to be built outside of Asia and visit a famous windmill which appeared in an episode of “Doctor Who”. You might even be lucky enough to bump into Uncle Bulgaria and some of his Womble friends or see the ghost of the notorious highwayman Jerry Abershaw galloping across Wimbledon Common on his trusty steed!
Apart from a minor blip in the weather last year, it is almost certain to be non stop sunshine and so put on your “whites” and headbands and join the happy wanderers on Saturday 29th June. Please note, no racquets are required for this event! Public transport alternatives are available for those who prefer not to walk.
If you wish to take part in this year’s womble, please meet at the “Wibbas Down Inn” (J.D. Wetherspoons), 6-12 Gladstone Road, Wimbledon at 11-30 for a 12 noon start. The pub is about 5 minutes walk from Wimbledon District and Main line railway station.
Organiser Geoff Castro looked forward to delivering our latest history lesson!